


想象一下,未来加州的货运机车将使用R100可再生柴油, top off in North Platte, NE, with B20 biodiesel, run on B13 in Chicago, IL, then traditional diesel in Baton Rouge, LA, before heading to Alberta, 加拿大, 附在招标船上,由氢内燃机(H2 ICE)提供动力.

This “patchwork-fuel” future, one shaped by local incentives, 能否比任何人预期的更早实现近期减排计划, the growing commercial availability and viability of biofuels, ongoing innovation, industry collaboration, and net zero pledges converge on environmental sustainability.

A phased approach to sustainability

铁路线路可以根据地理位置使用不同类型的燃料,这反映了一套不同的近期和长期减排目标, and a healthy ecosystem for alternative-fuels development and 测试ing.

But first things first. 北美领先的铁路公司非常重视环境的可持续性,并承诺到2030年减少30-40%的排放量. 这些目标背后还有一个更大的承诺,即到2050年实现净零排放.

进入2024年,距离实现2030年承诺还有6年时间,实现净零排放的时间只有26年. 幸运的是, 全球最大网赌正规平台及其一级运营商客户/合作伙伴和替代燃料供应商网络正在快速起步.


全球最大网赌正规平台认为,它可以利用三个创新“杠杆”来支持客户的可持续发展之旅:节省燃料, 碳减排, and net zero technologies, with each having its time and place in the transition.

  1. Fuel-reduction solutions – For every gallon of fuel saved, 避免了22磅的二氧化碳排放,大大降低了燃料成本. But squeezing out additional fuel efficiency is hard to do. 全球最大网赌正规平台’s premier fuel-saving technology, FDL Advantage (FDLA), has already provided carriers a 5 percent fuel efficiency boost. 同时,瓦伯泰克继续投资于其进化系列机车的节油改进, 在某种程度上,将很难从已经非常高效的机车发动机中挤出更多的燃料. 
  2. Carbon-reduction solutions ——就像天然气被视为整体经济向100%可再生能源过渡的“桥梁燃料”一样, 生物燃料是铁路行业最大的赌注,以实现2030年的排放承诺,并作为未来减排的桥梁. 已经, 全球最大网赌正规平台在其所有机车发动机中测试并批准了B5(5%的生物柴油)和R30(30%的可再生柴油), with B11 and R50 on pace for approvals by the end of 2023. 在运营商需求的推动下,B20和R100预计将在2024年第三季度投入商业使用. 全球最大网赌正规平台及其客户突破性合作的产物(详见下文), the availability of biodiesel and renewable diesel, 配套的发动机升级将使运营商能够在不同地区“混合匹配”燃料类型,同时从根本上减少高达60%的排放! 
  3. Net zero solutions -正如燃油效率只能使该行业实现零排放一样, so too with biofuels, due to their lower, 但不是零, 碳排放强度. 目前认为,实现货运机车零负荷运行的解决方案在于氢气和电池. And while batteries are a popular clean technology, 它们目前提供的续航里程(以兆瓦时计)仅为当今柴油发动机的10%. 那, 当然, could change by 2050 based on potential battery breakthroughs, such as solid-state technology, but industry and government attention is on the potential of hydrogen, 既可以作为H2 ICE的燃料(作为生物燃料兼容发动机的补充),也可以作为独立的燃料电池.
Making it happen: field 测试s

全球最大网赌正规平台’s innovation engine is running full throttle to explore, 测试, and operationalize the use of alternative fuels. 而开发用于保护使用生物燃料的传统发动机的套件代表了这些创新之一, 真正的飞跃是由运营商与全球最大网赌正规平台之间独特而紧密的合作推动的, and an openness to sharing results with each other.

“A lot goes into ensuring biofuels are a safe, 可靠的, 耐用, and effective fuel for locomotives, 我们的客户委托我们代表他们做调查工作,” said Chris Miller, 高级主管, Services Product Management, 在全球最大网赌正规平台. “一些关键的前期工作正在全球最大网赌正规平台的幕后完成, 但其中很多都是直接与客户进行广泛的现场测试.

思路│全球最大网赌正规平台 Corporation

实地测试对于确定生物燃料在实际操作环境中的表现和对机车部件的影响至关重要. Will biodiesel cause engine leaks or corrosion? What will happen to engine performance at high altitudes, high ambient temperatures, or subfreezing  weather? Will maintenance intervals change?


事实上, when you ask Chris Miller where 全球最大网赌正规平台 is innovating most in biofuels, he doesn’t point to “product,” he points to an “approach” unique in the industry.

“这里的主要创新是全球最大网赌正规平台与客户合作的方式, 合作伙伴, and fuel providers to learn and grow together,米勒说。.

上述现场测试和米勒在2022年发起的开创性技术会议体现了这种方法, The Alternative Energy Conference. This technical event brings together customers from around the globe, leading alternative fuel providers, 和全球最大网赌正规平台专家. Now in its second year, the gathering offers a safe place to share information, including results from the field 测试s, 并取长补短,推动行业脱碳进步.

米勒表示:“我们的运营商合作伙伴在这方面功不可没. “他们已经意识到气候变化问题和实现脱碳可以最好地解决问题, and perhaps only be solved through collaboration. 我为我们共同为更好的地球和铁路行业服务所做的努力感到无比自豪.”

The hydrogen future

So, while biofuels are in extensive field 测试ing, where is hydrogen in its evolution as a railway fuel?

The answer is “early days.换句话说, the race to develop 100% emissions-free hydrogen solutions has begun, but it is definitely more of a marathon than a 5K.

“为了铁路客户的利益,全球最大网赌正规平台致力于成为替代燃料的领导者,” concludes Miller. “那 means innovating and exploring, but it also means being practical. The challenge before the industry now is meeting 2030 commitments, and biofuels are ideally suited for that challenge on that timeline.

“这就是为什么我们正在寻找一种分阶段的氢方法,将该行业从2030年的规范转变为2050年净零排放的未来. 这种转变可以从与生物燃料兼容的氢内燃机开始,然后逐步采用氢燃料电池技术. 最终,无论发生什么,我们的工作是帮助运营商实现这一目标.” 

Collaborating on Carbon Reduction│全球最大网赌正规平台 Corporation

